Solar PV panel renovation technology
Scientific article on PV panel renovation technology is presented in links below:
Majority of new first tier solar PV panels last less than 3-12 years without troubles namely in tropical locations although declared lifetime is 25-30years. Solar PV panel degradation results in substantial ground impedance (Risol) reduction at real field (wet) conditions.
Fast on-site, low-cost solar PV panel Renovation, Repair, Restoration and/or Refurbishment is the solution. Ground impedance (Risol) is restored.
Solar PV panel back sheet before renovation (A) and after renovation (B)
The advantage of PV panel renovation
NEW solar PV panel renovation technology is priced 0.015 U$/W (new/replacement PV panel price range is about 0.15 U$/W to 0.20 U$/W and up to 0.30 U$/W (for “out of stock” PV panels) Price example (440W PV panel sized 2 square meters): Renovation 11U$ (consumables, labor…), new replacement panel 116U$ (panel, labor, transport)
Renovation pay back (ROI) time is about ~6 months. PV panel life extension 5-7 years. The complete PV power plant renovation/repair cost is 5% of the new PV plant price only. Renovation carbon footprint is 120 times lower compared to PV panel replacement. We have more than 5 years experience with the PV panel renovation repair and restoration technology. MOQ is 200MW.

Solar PV panel recycling and renovation is ideal combination. A part of PV panels of dismantled power plants can be recycled/destroyed while rest of the panels will be restored at low cost. It will reduce demand on recycling factories and simultaneously it will increase profit substantially.
For further information you can contact us at info@solar-solar.comThe PV panel renovation technology is available for licensing MOQ 500MWp

High temperature PV panels
PV panel operating temperature +150°C
- Fixing about 90% problems of EVA PV panel failures
- Prolong operating lifetime of PV panels up to 50 years
- Silicone gel lamination

Solar Trackers
- 31 years heritage in trackers design
- Low cost and high reliability
- Very easy service and maintenance
- Worldwide patented design

PV panel renovation
- New method of renovation
- On-site low-cost renovation of aged PV panels
- cost is 3.5% of the total PV plant price only
- Pay-back time is about 6 months